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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Snag a FREE Toothbrush from Brushee!

 After you try the brush they want you to answer a few short questions about it.

FREE 3-Course Meal At Mimi’s Cafe For Getting Engaged In-Store On Valentine’s Day

How to get free 3-course meal:

  1. Plan a visit to one of their locations here. Make sure you have an engagement ring (and hopefully a lifelong commitment too).
  2. Pull the trigger on Valentine’s day on 2/14/17 and get engaged in their store for a free 3-course meal.
Valid 2/14/17. Ring required.

FREE Small Popcorn At Carmike Cinemas

  1. Visit the companies website by clicking on the link below.
  2. Enter your zipcode and find a place to get your free popcorn.
* Ends 2/6/2017.

2 FREE B-UP Protein Bar Samples

 Click on the Link below to receive your protein bar samples and they should show up in the mail within 4 to 10 weeks. Enjoy!